Thursday, October 11, 2007


Aw man. I've been hanging around with my friend Sylvie cause her mom Jenny has been watching me when Alka and Daddy are at work. So today, we were back behind the couch and we were smooching and having fun when Auntie Jenny came over and totally busted us. She said we were making too much noise. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Alka

Daddy came home late from work on Alka's birthday and we were so tired that we just went to bed after he got there. A couple hours later Daddy woke us up. He baked a cake and gave Alka a gift certificate for a mani-ped.
Alka was excited. Me too. You can tell.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

water, heat and plastic floats

Its been hot! too hot! Daddy says it must be because of man-made global warming. he thinks we should all take steps like some guy named algore. Since algore has a private jet plane to fly around the world, Daddy wants to get one too. He says he'd ride it everywhere so he could stop man-made global warming. even to the grocery store. Alka does her part too- she keeps all the lights on and the air conditioner on 65. Daddy says its cause algore runs up massive electric bills at his house, so it must be good for the environment.

Anyway, its been really hot. Daddy and Alka took me swimming at a pool near the beach. On the way down, Daddy kept swearing because he didn't have his private jet. All he had was this lousy car and it kept getting stuck in traffic. I hope Daddy gets his private jet soon, so he won't have to go out in public wearing hats like this. and if he does, nobody will see him.